I am in bed with a cold for three days now. Alone time, whereas we are together with people most of the time since we left our home. Looking at the beautiful blanket that covers me, I remember Tony our dear friend from Baldegg (Switzerland) who introduced me to a poem of Jörg Zink. I tried to translate the most touching lines of it, suddenly realizing, this is what Sesto and me are doing on our pilgrimage. You can read the whole poem after the click. In German, because I feel not able to bring all the beauty of it into English ... "The past international degrowth conferences have been strongly influential in defining and opening new research and political fields. They have been inspired by social movements and experiments, and developed policy proposals as well as initiatives for social experiments in a wide range of areas. And besides all this, they managed to attract significant attention from the general public and the media.
The international conferences on degrowth are central landmarks and moments of convergence of the international degrowth intellectual and social movements. They offer a unique opportunity for bringing together scholars with other members of civil society and demonstrating a different way of organizing conferences. A central feature of the conferences has been direct participation and collaboration among participants." links find out more about the call | The offical website: www.degrowth.org | for all our German speaking friends: Matthias Schmelzer on degrowth in the Blog www.postwachstum.de
find out more about the "green face" of Glasgow | The Singl-end Café and Bakery is a place you will fall in love with for their style, the people and the grrreat food | Greencity is a democratically run wholesaler that works as a Co-operative | The Green Flag Award was launched in 1996 to recognise and reward the best green spaces in the country in Scotland
In his special article for the Huffington Post: "First Brexit, Now Trump: When Will We Finally Take Globalisation Seriously?", John Bunzl peels back the layers of the seismic shift in modern party politics to get at what's gone wrong, and what might be next.
links find out about John Bunzls initiative "Simpol" The Simultaneous Policy on www.simpol.org
This is really where the races confront one another, where the classes, where the genders, where even the sexual orientations confront one another. This is the real laboratory of democracy. So I wanted to have that feeling in the song, too."
links read the whole blogpost about Leonard Cohen | more Brain Peekings from one of my favourite blogs
Listen to Leonard Cohan singing his song and read the lyrics clicking "weiter lesen" below
Enable peoples readiness to go into actionIn fact Naomi Klein and many others have started already. Understanding, that "people have a right to be angry, and a powerful, intersectional left agenda can direct that anger where it belongs, while fighting for holistic solutions that will bring a frayed society together"Naomi Klein showed that such a coalition is possible. "In Canada, we have begun to cobble it together under the banner of a people’s agenda called The Leap Manifesto, endorsed by more than 220 organisations from Greenpeace Canada to Black Lives Matter Toronto, and some of our largest trade unions.
Sesto and me know an amazing number of people and organisations through our international network since we were hosting the WSF World Spirit Forum in Arosa next to Davos, which was meant to paralell the WEF World Economic Forum. We encountered so many people doing a great job or shining their lights for such holistic solustions that we are far away from fear these days. What happened in America is part of a greater clearing that will enable peoples readiness to go into action finally. links here you find the whole article in The Guardian | find out more about Naomi Klein After the elections I didn't even mention the name of "the guy", but what has happened affects us - the whole world, our future - and I see it as an opportunity. As I am not an expert in politics, but the underlying themes are anyway different ones I like to recommend one of my favourite thinkers Charles Eisenstein. He's one of the rare good reads in these times. Enjoy!
" ..."Hate and blame are convenient ways of making meaning out of a bewildering situation." "The dissolution of the old order that is now officially in progress is going to intensify. That presents a tremendous opportunity and danger, because when normal falls apart the ensuing vacuum draws in formerly unthinkable ideas from the margins. Unthinkable ideas range from rounding up the Muslims in concentration camps, to dismantling the military-industrial complex and closing down overseas military bases. They range from nationwide stop-and-frisk, to replacing criminal punishment with restorative justice. Anything becomes possible with the collapse of dominant institutions. When the animating force behind these new ideas is hate or fear, all manner of fascistic and totalitarian nightmares can ensue, whether enacted by existing powers or those that arise in revolution against them. " ... Read the whole thing here! Staying together with Lyn since monday, who does a beautiful work with refugees in Glasgow, we were telling her about Ameen from Syria, which we got to know through our friends from Munich Dagmar and Peter.
links Ameen Nasir wrote a wonderful text I want to share with you: "I wake up early and look towards the large window in my room from my bed. All I can see is the grey blur of rain ... " read the full text | Ameen is very activ in the "zusammenWachsen e.V." (growingTogether) which lets young refugees engage with society through mutual exchange and social activities and he also works for the radio station Bayrischer Rundfunk (Zündfunk) After the "bad news" (maybe its just what the world needs in this very moment) concerning the US Elections this morning, I am happy to read that the beautiful thinker Navid Kermani is a nominee for the "Federal President" in Germany. The elections will be held in February 2017.
A big THANK YOU to all the wonderful people we met in Dumfries and Galloway. For all the help, the trust, the love and the beautiful insights - about Scotland, humans in general and about these interesting times. This morning David took us to the Bus in Dumfries in his car, just after his return from Ethiopia the other day!!! Writing this, we are already in Glasgow. Excited ... |
| A view weeks ago we were attanding a discussion about the climate initiated by the state and hosted by the Eco-Congregation Scotland in Dunscore. It was interesting to hear about the different opinions concerning environmental issues and what is different or similar in Scotland compared to Switzerland. |
Gabriele Castagnoli hat hier ab April 2016 über zwei Jahre die Pilgerschaft mit ihrem Mann Sesto G. Castagnoli beschrieben.
Seit Oktober 2019 schreibt Gabriele wieder ihren oralab Blog mit vielen lesenswerten Beiträgen zu den Themen Kosmos, Mensch und Kultur.
"Seit Februar 2016 sind wir auf unbefristete Zeit, nur noch mit unseren Rucksäcken unterwegs. Alles andere haben wir verschenkt."
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